Our mission is to make website access easier for everyone.

WebGaines was built on the idea that websites should be accessible and available to everyone. Use our open source, free products, or support us by purchasing one of our premium products or services.

Read our story
business meeting

Our founding

Elora Gaines used to work as a Special Needs Aide in the public school system with a child who had visual impairment. She noticed that graphs and an pictures were not rendered well, or at all, on speech-to-text apps and became determined to build website software that would address that issue and be user friendly.


Growth & beyond

It is a core belief of WebGaines that "if you build it they will come". Making websites accessible will help your website reach out further to demographics that are usually ignored.

Our team

Dedicated to quality and your success

calico cat
Elora Gaines
Founder, CEO & Sweetie-pie
black and white kitten
Bumper Allen
CFO & Menace
Rhodesian Ridgeback Dog
Buster Vincent
Snuggle & Operations Manager
Boxer Dog
Riley Evanger
CTO & Treat Management